Prayer Answered

As well as EP said it- and I agree with every word- there’s no way I was letting Tebow-to-the-Patriots slide without chiming in. As a matter of fact, I got the news on the way to coach a ballgame, dumped my kid with the other dads and raced home to blog because you don’t let a momentous occasion like this go unaddressed.  Just like I said three months ago, this move makes total sense:

It’s not like they need Tebow, but could they use him?  Could they find some way to make him an asset?  Of course they could.  If there’s one thing McDaniels does as well as any coordinator in the game is innovate.  He’s perpetually tinkering with the whistles and bells of the McOffense and adding wrinkles to stay one step ahead of the competition.  Whether it’s putting Hernandez at running back or splitting Stevan Ridley out wide or the 127 different guys he used at fullback last year.  Damn right he could find a way to get production out of Tebow.

For every reason Tebow was a disaster waiting to happen with the Jets, he’s a perfect fit for New England. The distraction he was in New York that was scaring other teams off simply won’t happen here.  The fawning and hero worship by ESPN and the like will be ignored.  The pressure he put on Sanchize will be non-existent.  There won’t be backup QB press conferences and cynical attempts to get publicity out of it.  There’ll just be Tebow learning to be a better quarterback and being yet another high character leader in a locker room full of them.  And for Tebow?  There’ll be the one thing he’s insisted he’s wanted all along: football.  Like I said, perfect.  Obviously Belichick is on a mission from God.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to run back to the field.  And stop at the packy for champagne on the way.  @JerryThornton1

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